
Friday, January 10, 2014

Friday Five: Music for Mom and Dad and the Chickadees Too

Happy New Year!

I hope everyone had a very fun and safe holiday season. Ours was packed with much enjoyed family visits, lots of snow, and TONS of food. SO. MUCH. FOOD.

Now we are into Recovery Season: taking down decorations, making (and breaking) New Year's Resolutions, hunkering down for the next four months of winter (yes, four, if you live in Ohio), and warding off cabin fever. Music is an easily accessible cure for the wintertime blues, so today's Friday Five is a list of albums you can listen to with your children... without making your ears bleed. (I know you don't want to be stuck listening to The Wiggles all season.)

1. Elizabeth MitchellYou Are My Little Bird (Folk)

"Once in a great while we encounter an artist who stands consciously and directly in the tradition of children's music that Folkways has carried for nearly 60 years, and Elizabeth Mitchell is one such artist. Her lovely voice brings a fresh sound to cherished American folk songs and other melodies from around the world. In a peaceful yet powerful way, she reintroduces us to songs we thought we knew so well." -Smithsonian Folkways Recordings

Top Tracks: Little Liza Jane, Three Little Birds, Buckeye Jim, Peace Like a River... Oh, gosh, I just really love the whole thing. A perfect album for cuddle-up quiet time.

2. Recess Monkey, The Final Funktier (Funk)

Get ready for a super funky dance party, kids! These guys are hilarious and who can possibly resist songs about science fair day, moon boots, and jet packs?

"You can't go wrong with Recess Monkey. This band simply rocks, but they just happen to be teachers who love kids and want to supply them with a steady stream of excellent music. Their first two CDs were hands-down favorites, and this latest creation raises the bar for children's music even higher. I hear great vocals which remind me of two Pauls (McCartney and Carrack), creative and original arrangements, and thoughtful, often humorous lyrics. This trip with Recess Monkey takes us to space (are we there yet?), science fairs, and black holes. Singing along with my daughter ups my cool factor (in my own mind at least) and the kids with whom we carpool all ask who's playing. This CD rocks the minivan, though, even when the kids reached their final destination. Thank you, Recess Monkey, for giving us another great CD. A+." -Kiwi Magazine

3. The Jellydots, "Hey You Kids!" (60's Pop)

This is a seriously fun rock-out album perfect for car sing-alongs. Check out the first track, "Bicycle". It will make you long for snow-free streets and riding with the wind in your hair. Sample the whole album here: "Hey You Kids!"

"This band will change your life. Not to get all Natalie Portman on you, but like the Shins, the Austin-based band The Jellydots might just change a few families' lives, or at least their opinions on what kids' music can be." -Zooglobble

P.S. Zooglobble is a great place to look for new music for children and families!

4. They Might Be Giants, No! (Alternative)

TMBG has been around for decades rockin' our socks off with their unique sound. Can you believe it has been almost 25 years since Istanbul (Not Constantinople) was released?! Neither can I. 

An oldie but a goody, No! was the first in a long list of TMBG albums for children, released in 2002. In 2012 they re-released a deluxe edition with seven bonus tracks. Zooglobble claims No! to be "the single most important and influential kids music album of the past decade or so." Read the whole review here: No! 

5. Secret Agent 23 Skidoo, Easy (Hip-Hop)

Get ready to get down with Secret Agent 23 Skidoo! 23 Skidoo offers kid friendly lyrics with beats adults can jam to. This awesome track, Family Tree, features both his wife and his daughter, Saki. Adorable!

Bonus Time!
5.5 Rockabye Baby! (Lullaby)
For those of you who are tired of listening to All The Pretty Horses, the Rockabye Baby! series has lullaby versions of your favorite bands from AC/DC to Jay Z. Yes, it's true. There are lullaby versions of Big Pimpin', Hard Knock Life, and Empire State of Mind. Fantastic. You can find a complete list of bands here: Rockabye Baby Music List. You will be super thrilled with the awesomeness of this list.

So there's a little list of parent-worthy kids music for you! Happy listening and happy Friday! 

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