
Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Hello Again and Mice Are Nice

I've been wanting to revamp my blog for a long time running. It's been sitting here all alone since, ahem, excuse me, 2007. As the husbando would say, "Yikes, stripes." Lately I've been inspired by several blogs of some special people I know (and that pesky Pinterest), so here I am jumping on the bandwagon.  This is meant to be a compilation of storytime ideas with a dash of this and that from youth librarianship all mixed together. What better way to start off with what we did for storytime today?

Mice are Nice

Today's storytime was inspired by this little guy...

"Squeax" - We have three cats at home that were pretty
disappointed to see this guy get set free.

We started off with a new book from Karma Wilson, Who Goes There?. The story features Lewis Mouse who has made his home warm and cozy for the winter yet feels like something is missing. He is pondering when there comes a SCRITCH, SCRATCH, TAP, TAP, TAP! What could it be? An owl on the prowl? A sneaky old cat?

This is a really wonderful story about making being brave and making new friends. It's a fun one for voices and building suspense. It may have been a bit too long for my really little listeners but great for those with a longer attention span.

SONG: I Have Ten Little Fingers - Fingerplays and Footplays by Rosemary Hallum

Next up was a classic: The Little Mouse, The Red Ripe Strawberry, and The Big Hungry Bear by Don and Audrey Wood. This is a very funny story about a little mouse and his prize strawberry.

SONG: Dance, Freeze, Melt - Rockin' Red by Mr. Eric and Mr. Michael. (Side note - if you don't know this series of music, seek it out! Also, Mr. Eric is Eric Litwin, the author of the ever popular Pete the Cat series.)

Once there lived a little mouse (make a little mouse with one finger)
In a little quiet house (cover your finger with your other hand)
Quiet, quiet as can be (whisper this part)
OUT POPPED HE! (loud voices)
Our last book was I'm a Little Mouse by Noelle and David Carter. It's a darling little book with a baby mouse and several other animals. Fair warning: It's a touch and feel book. Be prepared for some little reaching hands!
We always close storytime with this rhyme:

Our hands say thank you with a clap, clap, clap.
Our feet say thank you with a tap, tap, tap.
Clap, clap, clap.
Tap, tap, tap.
Now roll your hands over and wave, "Goodbye!"

Next entry I'll introduce you to Coco, the Storytime Bear. Until then, I'm happy to be back! Happy reading and lots of love!

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